Rocky (The Shattered Lands):



Civilized Wilderness




Sky - Fly into the sky




     The Rocky region is recklessly strewn with the dead fragments of once glorious mountain ranges. The entire region is covered with the once proud and majestic mountains of stone, now relentlessly dotting the landscape in heaps and broken fragments.


In legend, it is told this region was, at one time, a magnificent place of mountains, unseen in Utaemia to this day, ascending into the heavens in splendorous majesty. Legends consistently speak of the Age of War and the cataclysms that plagued this once mighty realm, of the sudden uprooting and scattering of its mountains, and the destruction of most all the inhabitants therein.
Since the cataclysms, this region has been covered in an ominous mist during the nighttime hours . . . the post effects of The Shattering which occurred during the conflicts that raged during the Age of War.


When the mists of the great devastations dispersed, mankind once again crept back into this hardened, scarred, land. Where there was once utter desolation, now showed promised riches for treasure hunters, for with the curse of The Shattering came also the blessing of gold and GemVein, unearthed by the terrible effects of the Age of War.


Recommended level: 20+